Monday, October 10, 2011

When God works, He works.

Should we feel discouraged when God and biblical truth mean nothing to some?
Today, I talked about God with my classmates around my desk... Yeah, the teacher recently changed our sitting positions again.
I shared the gospel with them, and although it seemed like they were interested in the truth that rested in the bible.. It was as though any attempt I tried to share with them more after that subject period, was shunned away by one of them. I wondered to myself.. How could something so interestingly and intriguingly expressed mean nothing to some?

Sometimes, when we try to package God's word so nicely like EE or apologetics, we end up creating this somewhat fixed formula to interest people. We start working, and forget that the work is carried out by God, not us.

Salvation ultimately and absolutely comes from God Himself. He chooses His people by His sovereign will and only by that.
Sometimes, it's not so much of trying, it's more about dependence and prayer.
What can men do to save others? Nothing, but share.

Why do some 'accept' and some reject?
If we go down to the roots of our own salvation..
What was it that made us more inclined to accept the Gospel.
Was it circumstances?
Was it pressure from a Christian family?
Was it because we grew up in a church?

Or was it God?

If it were to truly be God, then trying to find the reason of our inclination to accept such a gospel becomes much harder. ( because if it were to be of external reasons, the reason would be a lot more straight forward)

Why do some believe, and some do not?

It's so hard to give an answer to this because the only reason and answer to such a question is the fact that our salvation solely depends on God's choice and God's work in us even when we were still sinners.

We did nothing.

Nothing to deserve what we find eternal hope in right now.

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