Thursday, April 28, 2011

What a relief!

Yes. i just finished two paper today, eng paper 1 and ss!
with ss done, its like half the battle taken care of (:
i literally spent like the entire past 2 days studying for the paper.. which i felt was not enough.
to make it worst, i only studied for 2 themes, the minimum required..
so you must seriously imagine how stressful it was!

i remembered how stressed up i was yesterday.. so prayed to God so many times to ask him for guidance and wisdom..
but i guess i didnt fully put my trust in Him. The whole time i felt insecure with myself. But i guess God really showed me how mighty He is. It seemed like He just took all my fears away when i sat for the papers.. i can't thank Him enough for doing that. I'm so grateful for the assurance He has given me today, that He is in full control of everything.
So for my next paper, my geog exams, im going to try best in putting all my trust in Him. This reminds me of something my aunt and my mum use to tell me when i was a young Kid.. that if i do my best, God will do the rest. i really see how this applies in my life now. thankyou God for everything that happened today. I love you so so so so so much!
all glory, honor and praise to God, the almighty!

Monday, April 25, 2011


Its monday. i wish mondays were just more fun.. especially assembly.
Mid Years are starting in like three days, and they just had to have an assembly talk on examinations.
Like it would help to motivate us any further. Still, i pray that i'll be motivated to do well for God's sake and glory, and not mine. It's hard sometimes, especially times when you're doing well, there's always a tendency to credit it to our own efforts.
Reminds me of the many times i have turned Christianity into a religion sub-consciously, how i sometimes do good cause i feel like that would earn me a way to heaven.

Lord, help and remind me that you are sovereign, that i can do nothing more or less to earn my salvation for you have already given it to me to through Your son Jesus Christ. Lord, help me to be a humble person, to be a true christian, one that pleases You and brings honour to Your name. Lord, help me to be more grateful to You. I really want to glorify You with my life. And Father, as my exams are drawing closer, bless me with wisdom and guide me through my papers. May your will truly be accomplished, and not mine. Thank You Lord.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Weekend

Most easter just go by every year, with no meaning no impact. This year's was rather different. I've learnt so much during the past three days. To see a small glimpse of what Jesus Christ had to go through, just makes me see how ungrateful I have been toward Him.

Thankyou for the cross Lord.